So this was my first time teaching integers, and I had to learn a lot! I relied on YouTube and watched videos on how to teach integer operations with chips and number lines. Our standards specifically say that students should recognize the models when adding, subtracting, multiplying or dividing integers. If you are anything like me or I guess I should say as old as me, you were taught the algorithm instead of how to perform the operation with a model. Why is a negative times a negative a positive? I had no clue, but I had been taught that, so that is what I did. So because of that, I needed to research how to show students the operation using a model and I am so happy that I did! This research helped me to understand the why behind integer operations so that I could teach my students the why behind the operations.
I modeled the operations with chips and number lines. I only modeled the operation instead of teaching the students rules, algorithms or tricks. I allowed the students to come up with those rules while working with the chips and number lines. Then as a class we tested their predictions and theories. Students came up to the document camera and led the class while completing examples.
Integer Operations- From Chips to Number Lines and Beyond!
After the students felt comfortable with using the chips and/or number line I assigned a stop motion project using Google Slides. Yep you read that right! Stop Motion Videos using Google Slides. I gave students directions and a rubric to create their own stop motion video. Here is the link to the PDF, for FREE! >>>>> Stop Motion Integer Project <<<<<<<
Here are a couple examples of students stop motion videos! They turned out amazing!
The students loved making these stop motion videos! Afterwards, we completed more activities centered around integer operations. These activities were awesome and can be found on my TpT store:
I especially loved the Digital Breakout! Have you used digital breakouts in your classroom yet?
Until next time!
Peace, Love and Math